We just have a lot of feelings.

Tag Archives: Christina Hendricks

– Posted by Sage

Every since FGQ (Flawless Ginger Queen) Christina Hendricks took runner-up in our Sexiest Woman Alive poll, I’ve been wanting to do a post dedicated to some of our other favorite redheads. Just doing my part to preserve the tradition, since apparently we are headed to extinction. Help me appreciate these flame-haired wonders while you still can.

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor Am I ginger

“Aw, I always wanted to be ginger!”

Dana Scully – The X-Files

X-Files Dana Scully Triangle

Special Agent Dana Scully has been my role model since I was 13. She’s tough, compassionate, and basically a genius. Also, she  got exponentially hotter as the show went on. Do all redheads age so well? One can only hope.

Hoban “Wash” Washburne – Firefly/Serenity

Firefly Washburne

Siiiigh. Oh, Wash. Waaasssshhh. *sobs*

Still not over it.

Amy Pond – Doctor Who

Amy Pond Doctor Who Sunflowers

“Brighter than sunflowers.”

Amy Pond brought some trademark ginger sauciness to Doctor Who.  She’s that girl you wanted to hate in high school because all the boys wanted her, but you couldn’t, because she was so cool. P.S. She essentially inspired Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. How many blondes can say that?

Ariel – The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid Ariel pout

Ariel is the most realistic Disney princess of our generation, possibly ever. She is the same selfish, whiny teenager we all were, only with fins. It was actually refreshing. I like my heroines flawed. And can we please talk about the gorgeousness of the animation of that hair?

Lily Aldrin – How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother Lily Alrin

Friend. Wife. Mother. Slap-Bet Commissioner. Lily Aldrin-Eriksen does it all.

Donna Noble – Doctor Who

Donna Noble Doctor Who Isn't That Wizard

If Amy is the sauce, Donna is the sass. Donna Noble won’t be having any of your shit. But she will have a salute, thank you.

The Weasleys – Harry Potter

Weasley Family Harry Potter

No list of ginger worship would be complete without the Weasleys. Sure, they’re wacky and fun. But let’s not forget their sheer badassery. If it weren’t for the Weasley family, we’d all be Death Eaters by now.

There are many, many more awe-inspiring reds in the world of pop culture, and this post is far from comprehensive. Did we miss your favorite ginger character? Put it in the comments.

– Posted by Sage

Guys, it’s been a really rough day. First, the guy at Dunkin forgot to put the pumpkin flavoring in my coffee. I had to drink plain coffee, like some kind of plain-coffee-drinking schmuck. Then I had to spend an hour looking at pictures of our Sexiest Woman Alive winner and runner-up in various states of undress. When will the torture end?

Thanks to all the hot-lady appreciating folks who voted in our Facebook poll this week. Head Over Feels nominated our six favorite sexy women and our followers wrote in some other inspired picks. (Shout out to Angela Lansbury and Miss Piggy.) Even though the eventual winner jumped to the head of the pack early, it was an exciting race for #2. It just so happens that our top two girls are also colleagues, which gives us fair reason to fantasize about slumber parties after long days on the Mad Men set. Can we be invited next time? We’ll bring the popcorn.

You know this post needs a soundtrack, and these stacked ladies deserve some serious, bass-heavy funk.

Let the ogling begin!

The Sexiest Woman Alive, Runner-Up: Christina Hendricks

The fact that you guys voted for a runner-up with a dress size of 14 makes me want to throw all of my airbrush-happy womens magazines out my window and run down my street, triumphantly singing. Congratulations to the gorgeous and talented Ms. Hendricks for being an inspiration for body confidence and werking that shit.

Christina Hendricks hair




Christina Hendricks glasses

Looking fine and sophisticated in some hipster specs.

Christina Hendricks Firefly Saffron

Extra credit for playing a sexy baddie in Firefly.

Christina Hendricks Joan Holloway Mad Men

Like Joan, Christina’s style is deliciously womanly. Can that body look anything BUT womanly?

Christina Hendricks John Slattery Mad Men

If you were Roger, could you have ever gotten over this one? Didn’t think so.

Christina Hendricks black bra

Worth the back pain, probably.

And now, the woman voted (overwhelmingly) into the top spot by Head Over Feels readers…

The Sexiest Woman Alive: Alison Brie

As Jeff Winger once said to Annie Edison, “You’re becoming dangerous, Annie. It’s those doe eyes. Disappointing you is like choking the Little Mermaid with a bike chain.” Add those doe eyes to that rocking bod and you’ve got our Sexiest Woman Alive. Alison is the “Girl Next Door” fantasy on steroids.  And it’s no coincidence that she’s on two of Head Over Feels’ favorite shows, and very nearly perfect on both of them. We like her beautiful insides too.

Alison Brie tank top

How is this fair to the rest of us, Alison?

Alison Brie ice cream

A. Tongue. B. That ice cream looks delicious, omg.

Alison Attack of the Show
Note not only those legs, but also the Annie Adderall tee.

Alison Brie I Like Food

No stick figure sex symbols for Head Over Feels.

Alison Brie taking off shirt
Study group swag.

Alison Brie Gillian Jacobs lingerie

I don’t think anyone will complain about some bonus Gillian Jacobs.

And now, the Sexiest Woman Alive and one of our Sexiest Men Alive will have their first dance:

Joel McHale Alison Brie dancing

There is a serious lack of photos of Christina Hendricks and co-Sexiest Man Adam Scott together. Get on that, internet.

Congratulations to all the nominees and especially to our winners! You all represent this blog’s favorite qualities in a gal: style and substance, talent and sex appeal, nerdiness and heart. And we thank you for it.

Christina Hendricks and Alison Brie

Posted by Kim

A few weeks ago we had a Sexiest Man Alive contest which lead to ultimate Life Ruiners Joel McHale and Adam Scott being crowned the First Annual Head Over Feels Sexiest Men alive and being retired to the Hall of Fame.  Now…let it never be said that we are not equal opportunity objectifiers here at Head Over Feels.  We appreciate the hot ladies just as much as we do the men.  Maybe even more.

So get thee to our Facebook page (and while you’re there, go ahead and like us) and vote for the First Annual Head Over Feels Sexiest Woman Alive.   Voting will close tomorrow evening.  Don’t see your favorite sexy Lady? Nominate your own choice!  In the meantime, feast your eyes upon the gorgeousness of our Top Six Nominees…

As always, thank you to the lovely Chelsea for helping compile gifs and photos.  Somebody hire her please.  Gif collecting is totally a special skill.


1) Alison Brie

Any Sexy Lady poll that doesn’t include Alison is invalid.  Not only is she Community‘s Annie Edison and Mad Men‘s Trudy Campbell (bb, you deserve so much better than Pete.  Please divorce his ass next season and become BFF’s with Joanie), just LOOK AT HER.  That hair.  Those Eyes.  Those Legs.  The perfect complexion.  Don’t even get me started on her cleavage.  It’s pretty famous on the internet.   And she even knows it.  And the fact that she is an incredibly talented actress and comedienne?  Well, Ali, that’s just ruining everything for the rest of us.






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